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We have monster additions on the next Cattler update!

Updated: May 18, 2023

It doesn't even fit in just one email! Take a look at all what we have in store:

New feature: Lot entries

This is an important one: the ability to add different purchases in one lot. Regardless of how are distributed across pens afterwards, now a lot can have different subsets of entries with different cost basis, and different information around logistics.

  • New feature: Lot growth planning

Another important addition in Lot view is the ability to create a Plan for this lot, setting goals. On one hand, there's the Growth Plan, which allows to establish the expected end weight for the lot, the expected average daily weight gain, the amount of days to be on feed and the end date. This helps to create certain alerts, for once, but it also enables points of comparison between expected and actual performance, and thirdly, it provides a second option for projecting animal weight increase, allowing to project a fixed weight gain according to the user's criteria.

On the other hand we have the feeding plan, which is not yet launched on this update, but it will be launched on the next one. Basically it helps define with more detail how many days this lot is going to be fed every ration, for how long, how long the transition should be made between rations and what is the expected weight gain. This will allow for alerts, automatic changes in rations assigned to pens, and also a third option for predicting animal weight.

  • Email-based alerts for specific feedstocks

Now it will be possible to follow certain ingredients for getting the low stock alerts. If you as a feedlot, or you as a trusted feed vendor are interested in following specific ingredients or vet products, you will have the ability to do so, subscribing an email account on the supply section that will receive reports on those inputs specifically.

  • A new dashboard design: commodity prices (coming up), average weight and other metrics

The dashboard is the face of the app. And we want to make it as useful and live as possible. That is why we are posting not only alerts but also news about the industry on the Alert Feed. But now also other things will appear on the dashboard: relevant metrics for the whole feedyard on cattle (like weight distribution, average weight and mortality) and on feed (total as fed and DM/head consumption), as well as commodity prices (yet to be launched in some days, we just made it space), and a unified inventory watch with the most critical inputs according to remaining stock on a traffic light setup. Lastly, we will also replace Feedyard occupancy for every pen of the feedyard with one metric for the whole feedyard and comparisons with other benchmarks (yet to be deployed in some days). Check out how cool it looks!

  • New Feature: Delivery Plan on phone version

Delivery Plan on the phone is something that many people has requested us, so here it is on this update!

  • Feature: Load & drop order number edit

Now you can edit the order of the loads in the Load & Drop tab of the Feeding section, so each one can organize them as they better think.

  • Feature: weight backdating & edit weight by lot

Other thing that had been requested several times is the ability to backdate weights for a certain sublot, but also being able to do it on a lot basis, and not only a sublot basis, which for many people has been an issue.

  • Improvements: Yard Sheet pen view

Here we have several improvements in visualization like: a more sophisticated feed delivery record chart, new metrics (like DMI/BW), and a shortcut to Bunk Score from Yard Sheet.

This is just a part of all the things we are adding and improving, we will keep you posted on what comes next!

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