What is Cattler?
Cattler is a mobile & desktop software platform that allows the cattle farmer to run all its operation in one place. It connects with any device on the farm (scales, EID readers, micromachines), enabling to run all the daily tasks seamlessly from beginning to end. From feeding to cattle management. From animal health to the processing chute. From the lot to the individual, and from day 1 to the closeout. And more! Check it out!

Cattle Inventory & Movements

Create, manage & track lots all the way
Every animal is individual from day one
Use visual tags, EIDs, both or nothing
Close out whole lots or parts of them
Move cattle easy maintaining traceability
Mix lots in different pens without losing track
Upload your Cattle Processing CSV sessions
Keep track of your breakeven

Yard Sheet

Find & check every pen
Shortcuts to main actions
Access to Individual Tags
Change rations right there

Bill by lot or by Owner
Use any timeframe
Quick & easy
Download it as PDF or Spreadsheet
Supplies Management

Feed & Vet Product Inventory
Manage costs simply + add shrink & markups
Backdate costs, Add/Adjust stocks
Define Low Stock Alerts per Product
Use our Grain Bank feature (Add-On)

Create everything from rations to loads
Rations by DM or As Fed, mixing clock
Flexible ways to assign feed
Feed single or double batches
Use different devices for the same order
Connect with Micro machines
Feed offline and much more!

Bunk Score

Score & Call Quickly
Only the info you need
Works offline
Auto-Updates your loads

Pen Rider & Individual Management

Access every individual Profile from anywhere
Pull up any tag, Visual or EID, connect with Readers
Check every animal's records & data
On the fly treat it, add info, pull out or close it out
Also works offline!
Animal Health & Cattle Processing


Create & Manage your Treatment Protocols
Program Treatments, Manage your Sick Cattle
Assign Diagnostics
Process Cattle with our Chute section

Keep track of your feed & treatment records
Retrieve supplies Stock & Movements
Access to your lots closeout & invoices
Download any report as CSV or PDF