Feeder of the Month
At Cattler, we aim to foster efficiency in feedlot management. Thats why each month, we will recognize three outstanding contributors:
Best Ration Load
Best Pen Drop
Best Feeder
The winners will be featured on Cattler's social media platforms and will also earn eligibility for the Feeder of the Year competition in December 2024.
Winner Criteria
For each award, Cattler will assess the top 30 deliveries per participant based on the difference (Delta) between actual and target metrics for each session. Deliveries with manual adjustments will be excluded from consideration. The absolute values of these 30 deltas will be totaled and divided by the sum of the target values for the same deliveries (percentage of accuracy). The participant with the lowest ratio of these deltas to their respective targets wins. In the event of a tie, drop accuracy will be considered first, followed by load accuracy if the tie persists.
Best Ration Load: best percentage of accuracy in load orders.
Best Pen Drop: best percentage of accuracy in drop orders.
Best Feeder: best percentage of accuracy in total of load and drop orders.
Data Privacy
No data of any member or feedyard will be published, in accordance Cattler's Data Privacy Policy. To maintain transparency in the results, winners authorize Cattler to disclose the total percentage of accuracy for the deliveries that participated in the contest.
Contact us at (857) 424 7575 or support@cattler.farm